Wednesday, 30 September 2015

6:20 am (B.C. time) / 8:20 am (Winnipeg time)
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Onboard Air Canada flight from Winnipeg to Toronto

I’ve lost track of time. It doesn’t mean anything now. We’ll be in Toronto soon, then Quebec, and it will change again.

The airhostess just came past and gave me a TINY Styrofoam cup of tea. I sat it on the armrest while I wrestled with the little table. It trembled, back and forth, and I watched it for a few minutes to see if it would topple over. It didn’t, but I decided that just watching wasn’t a good guarantee of security, so I held it in one hand. It wibbled and wobbled, but I nearly had the table out. Suddenly, it steadied. The man next to me, in the very nice suit (the kind of man I only ever see on airplanes), was gently holding the cup. I finally pulled the table out of the armrest. It was a bit sticky, but, at that point, I couldn’t backtrack.

I am very excited, and a bit scared, and moments like that have calmed me. I’m also listening to a playlist that Arianna and I made together, and its full of sweet, folksy songs that make me chill (dude).

Right now, I am fairly sure we are flying over the Great Lakes. The blue bellow us is vast and completely smooth. The ocean is always moving, always going somewhere. This lake is still, although I can’t see the whole parameter. The shore that I can see is deep green broken by tiny rivers. I tried to take a picture for Mr. Demerse’s Geography class, but I couldn’t get my camera out quickly enough. I think the man next to me is getting tired of me rummaging through my many bags. He’s trying to sleep. I probably should too – my under eyes are the size of orange segments. I must tell you about the trip so far though!

            I’ll start at the beginning then, Ok?
On Monday morning, I threw my Schools on Board bag into the truck, waved to my mum, sleeping Kellen and our house, windows glowing in the dawn dark. Dad and I got the first ferry to Campbell River. The sky was clear, and Dad said he wished he was going Chum fishing. I sneezed.

            At school, I rushed through a few last classes, a photo sesh with Mike from the Campbell River Mirror, and an interview. My friends and teachers were so ridiculously kind and encouraging. Thanks, everyone!

            After picking up a few last things (more blank postcards, another memory card), Dad and I went for a walk on the River. When we got home, I repacked for the fourth time and went to sleep.
            I woke up to a yellow moon, low in the sky. My toes wriggled and moaned, protesting “getting moving” (- my dad). Despite my OCD preparations, I was still packing while my dad and grandparents waited in the car. I piled in, and waved goodbye again, this time to the little blue house on Alpine St. and to the Pacific Ocean.

            They dropped me at the Comox airport, and continued on a family road trip.
 I sat outside and drank my ginger tea and blew my nose.

            After flying across a few mountains and lots of prairie, I arrived in Winnipeg. Candy and Jeffery waited at the bottom of the moving staircase, smiling and waiving. After a lovely dinner, they showed me The Forks and I got an unabridged history of all the buildings. Although I was exhausted when we got to their house, I don’t think I got much sleep. I was still wired to coastal time.

            This morning, Candy and Jeffery armed me with pastries from an iconic Winnipeg bakery and drove me to the airport. Candy, clothed in running gear, gave me a hug and jogged away into 6:00 am (4:00 am B.C. time!) dark.

            I was meet at the airport by someone from U of M and Cheryl Bailey, one of the teacher-participants. The rest of the group flying from Winnipeg had already gone through, but I promise (mum!) I wasn’t late! Cheryl and I were sent off with a hearty hug from the U of M person. We went through security and found Michelle #1 (the program coordinator), Michelle #2 (researcher), Cami (student – Winnipeg) and Grace (student – Hay River). Everyone was so, so friendly, and enthusiastic. I can’t wait to hear more about their communities, and their lives, which are in some ways, so different from mine.

Is this obnoxious or hard to follow? The thing is, if I know I have to follow proper essay format, or organize my thoughts, or edit, I’m not going to write on here. Sorry Mr. Riddell, for the horrible grammar and made up words. You said I wouldn’t get credit for this anyways. Plus, its stream of consciousness. Literary reference. Boom.

PLUS Plus, if you’re my mum, maybe you are missing me, and this is a good substitute for my constant chatter.


We’re on the plane to Quebec City now! We’ve been quizzing Michelle on research onboard the ship. We will be bringing up organisms from the sea floor - I can’t contain my excitement! We also had a great conversation about Tofino, and the disappearance of starfish. I think it will be fascinating to see the similarities and differences of the Arctic and our Pacific coast.

I’ll post this when we arrive at the hotel in Quebec, along with some picture from the trip so far.

Over and out,


PS No pictures for now... Hopefully some soon!


  1. I'm not your mom, however I too enjoyed the "chatteryness" (made up word. Boom.) happy adventuring! Xo

  2. Great so far Tara. Loving every word and observation! Keep it coming.

  3. I love hearing about your trip in your uncensored freeflowing way as I can hear you speaking as I read your words. Can't wait to hear more !

  4. Love your unedited chatteryness and it helps my boys "rememorize" (Boom. Thanks Rowen) the learning that you are sharing with us!
